Tulip Week “Met Je Hart”
van totaal € 3.500 (151%)

We, Ladies Sorority Prima Vera, have chosen to raise money for the foundation “Met Je Hart” during our annual Tulip Week. "Met Je Hart" takes care of elderly people to prevent them from feeling lonely by organizing social events. From 11th-14th March we will make every effort for this great cause to exceed our goal of €3.500! Please donate and fight with us against loneliness among the elderly.


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24-06-2024 | 19:14
17-03-2024 | 15:17
15-03-2024 | 18:46 Omdat je mijn nichtje bent Ik ben blij dat je maatschappelijk betrokken bent
15-03-2024 | 10:43
15-03-2024 | 08:35 Mooi dat je dit doet. Succes Fenna!